One of the ways Waters ERA demonstrates a company-wide commitment to quality is through our comprehensive list of internationally recognized quality designations.
Waters ERA achieves registration or accreditation when an outside authority that has been qualified to review our processes and procedures evaluates us against an internationally developed set of strict requirements. These requirements span from making certain we maintain the proper physical facilities to evaluating the calculations we use in our statistical analysis. Waters ERA customers recognize that the products and services we provide are among the very best in the world. Our certifications and accreditations are just one facet of what distinguishes Waters ERA as an elite manufacturer of CRMs and PTs globally.
What Waters ERA's Accreditations Means To You
Few manufacturers can document (through the accreditation process) the same rigorous quality programs we have in place—programs that affirm Waters ERA’s ability to provide customers with the highest quality products possible and allow for international acceptance of Waters ERA products by laboratory accreditation bodies. Your selection of a CRM or PT provider means you are accepting of the provider’s quality levels and programs and are willing to integrate their quality programs into your laboratory processes. If quality is important to you then you should be discriminating in your vendor selection process and diligently consider your vendor’s demonstrated commitment to quality.
‘Our ISO certificates are important because they demonstrate our passion for prioritizing customer expectations. They also represent our commitment to being a trustworthy supplier that consistently delivers high-quality products.’
- Heidi Senft, Sr. Quality Systems EngineerISO 9001

ISO 17025

ISO 17034

ISO 17043

* Waters ERA’s U.S. facility is accredited to ISO 17025, ISO 17034, and ISO 17043 by American Association of Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) and registered to ISO 9001 by National Quality Assurance (NQA).
Waters ERA’s Ireland facility is accredited to ISO 17025 and ISO 17034 by Irish National Accreditation Board (INAB) and registered to ISO 9001 by BSI Assurance UK Limited (BSI).
For more information
How CRMs Add Value To My Quality Assurance Program
Count on ERA for meticulous and accredited quality processes